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Thank you for helping us make a difference! You can also send an E-TRANSFER through Password to be "Donation"


SKU: 364215376135199
  • Proceed will go towards providing care packages, feeding programs, back to school programs, and contributing to other activities as the projects need arise both locally and internationally. It aims to provide financial assistance to people that are affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods. THIS IS NOT A TAXABLE DONATION. 


Live Triumphantly Network is intentional about partnering with those who want to make a difference in our society and to be a voice for the voiceless. The mission and visions of LTN is to see people's lives restored while promoting healthy lifestyles. Despite the many turbulent experiences that have impede the greatness that is hidden inside of them. We want you to partner with us as we continue to invest in the lives of others.

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